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Office: 705.567.3366

News/Sports: 705.567-6200

On-Air: 705.567.2555

Fax: 705.567.6101


Office Hours:

Weekdays 8:30-4:30


Office & Studios:

5 Kirkland Street

Kirkland Lake, Ontario


Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 430

Kirkland Lake, Ontario

P2N 3J4


Courier Address:

5 Kirkland Street

Kirkland Lake, Ontario

P2N 1N9



email: here

news email: here

facebook message: here


Staff Contacts:

Manager/Program Director: Robin Connelly

Sales Manager: Corina LaCarte

Sales Representative: Tracey Barkell

Traffic: Luce Moore

Accounting: Joanne Gorzalczynski

News Director: Alan Pedwell

Sports Director: Greg Mackle

Announcer: Barry Ferguson

Announcer: DeAnna Lance

Promotions/Reception: Kim Connelly

Music Director contact: here


Website issues or corrections: email here


P.O. Box 430

Kirkland Lake, Ontario

P2N 3J4



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