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A LaCarte Auto Glass

Ainsley-Jade Belec

Al & Tracy French

Alan Pedwell

Alex Archer

Alex McIntyre & Associates

Alexa Marcotte

Alfie & Linda Burns

Alison & Glenn Whyte

Andra & Jamie Pettenuzzo

Andrew Grant & Miriam Barker

Angela & Gerry Angelicchio

Angie & Colin Pacey

Anna Boudreault

Anna Giannakopolous (in memory of)

Anne Gauthier & Jim Taylor

A-One Taxi

Ashley Voros

Athena LaCarte & Rob McKelvie

Audrina & Derrek Elder

B&R Enviro Services

Barb & Dusty Turcotte

Barry Ferguson

Beer Store

Bertoncello Family: Carrie, Bryan & Brennan

Berube Family: Kasey, Rory & Ian

Bev & Dave Hachey

Bev Kidd

Big Jer's Helping Hands- Jeremy Claydon

Billy & Brian Tuinema

Billy & Jen Stevanovich

Bob Radey

Bobby & Nancy Breen

Boudreault Financial

Brenda Madill

Brian Coghlan

Brian McDonald

Buck or Two Plus

Burt & Marilyn Young

Calleigh Tompson

Carol Hutchinson

Carole Kitaj

Carole Murdoch

Casey Owens

Chad Plumbing

Chance & Cholo Tattoo

Chanda, Kayden & Connor Taillon

Chantal Ayotte

Chief Sonny Batisse

Chris Barker

Chris Goyer

Chris & Karen Roya

Christina Deighton

Cindy Portelance

Clarke Family: Kate, Paige & Hailey

Claudia & Blaine Pullen

Cliff & Michelle Lafreniere

Cliff Connelly's grandchildren

Cohen & Rhys Tiedtke

College Cafe & Catering

Connelly Group of Companies

Connie Crozier

Co-op Taxi

Corina LaCarte

Crema Enterprises & Staff

Dan & Cindy Maille

​Dan & Melanie Beaupre

Danny & Debbie Barrette

Danny Sasseville & Amber Thorpe

Darian Guimond

Darren Graydon

Darren Phillips

Daryl Rodgers & Christine Emms

Dave & Annette Stewart

Dave & Maureen Thompson

Dave Gorman

Debra & Shane Allison

Del & Vivian Brasch

Denise Evans

Dennis Perrier

Diane & Peter McNamara

Diane Dion (in memory of)

Dr. Deborah Hutchinson

Dr. Jackie Bond

Dr. Mark Spiller

Elizabeth Campbell

Elise Abraham

Emilie Chamaillard & Steph Barrette

Eric Clarke

Erin Robazza & Tom Wadey

Family Health Team Staff

Federal Plumbing & Heating

Federal Plumbing Womens Slopitch Team

Fern Davis

Francine Archer

Franklin Hotel owners & staff

Fred & Sonia Lang

Gianna Angelicchio

Gail McGibbon

Gary & Julie Peckover

Giant Tiger

Greg Mackle

Grenville & Terry Whyte

Heath & Sherwood

Hoggarth Interiors

Ines Robazza

Isabelle Charbonneau

Jack Bradley

Jackie Pawson

Jamie Taylor & Friends

Jane Lomanno

Jean Guy & Janice Chamaillard

Jean Lozeau

Jed & Nancy Allick

Jessica Moore

Jessie Howg

Jewel James & Bruce Fifield

Joanne Gorzalczynski

Joanne McDonald

Joe Wojtus & Tanja Cindric-Lauzon

John Carhart

John Korhonen

John Sullivan

Johnny Dodge

Joshua & Lauren Byer

Judy Gryska & The Hobby Shop

Judy Milford

Julie Bolduc

Justin Allison

K.K. Maille

Kaitlyn McKay

Karen & Doug LaBerge

Katie Dolan & Matt Schram

KDH Emergency & ICU Staff

Kelly Davis

Kelly Dion

Kelsey MacKinnon

Kim & Mitch Moreau

Kim & Norm Harvey

Kim Fiset

Kimberly Klockars

Kirkland Lake Gold Miners Hockey Club

Kirkland Lake Gold Miners Executive

Kirkland Lake Minor Hockey Executive

Kirkland Lake Rotary Club

Kirkland Lake Stingrays Executive

KL Power-Chad Plumbing Slo-pitch Team

KL Taxpayers Association

Kyle & Stacey Sayer

Kyle Sinclair & Family

L.A. Contracting-Great Outdoor Centre Slo-pitch Team

Lakeshore Motors

Larson Garvin Construction

Lauren Martell

Lelievre Family: Tony, Joanne & Emma

Leo Portelance

Leslie Kirchmayer & Gavin Shorrock

Lilly-Ann Bradley

Linda Conrad

Lindsay Farrell

Lindsay Vine

Liz & Jerry Robazza

Lorie & Paul Crozier

Lorna Phillips

Luce & Paul Moore

Lynda Clowater

Maddie Sinclair

Maille Family: Dan, Cindy, Dylan & KK

Majorie & Paul Harvey

Mak's Contracting

Marc & Lori Vermette

Marie Roy

Marlee Robazza & Danny Pajunen

Mary, Tim & Kathleen O'Connor

Matt Danchuk

Matt Lafreniere

Matt Schofield

Maureen Widdifield

Mike & Bonnie McLaughlin

Mike & Christine Poulin

Mike & Sue Guimond

Mike Sutton & Mary MacKinnon

Mike Zapotochny

Miles Vine (in memory of)

Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry Staff

M.N.R. Kirkland Lake Staff

Murray Family: Keith, Sharon & Fran

North Star Plumbing & Heating

Northern Automobile Dealers Association

Northern College

Northern Credit Union Staff

Northland Power

ODSP Staff

Olivia Crouse

Omer Ducharme

Ontario Clean Water AQUA Workers

Ontario Clean Water managers

OPSU Local 654

Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Womens League

Pat & Anita Allison

Paul Antoniazzi

Paul Ayotte

Paul Ayotte Insurance Staff

Paul Esch

Paul Roy

Pat McLean

Pat O'Connor

Penny & Garry Fournel

Peter & Darlene Marinigh

Peter & Nicole Brown

Peter Forcellini

Phil & Gail Davis

Pinewood Park Motors

Pinewood Park Upfront Girls Slo-Pitch Team

Rachel Goard & Shawn Vucko

Rene Boudreault

Renzo Rado & Sarah Johnson

Richard & Chamaillard Law

Richard & Cathy LeClerc

Rick & Charlene Owen

Robin Ziolkowski

Robson Family

Rod & Deanne Goulding

Roger & Fern Cambray

Rose & Vito Angelicchio

Roger & Yvette Schaffner

Rosemary Kmyta

Rosko-Fong Family

Ryan & Amy Perkins

Sam Genier & Ali Robbins

Samara Hachey

Sandra & Carlo Dal Pai

Sandy & Don LaRose

Sean & Nancy O'Connor

Sean Mcgonigal

Serge & Danielle Genier

Shawna McGill

Shelby-Lyn & Leslie Lavictoire

Shelly & Leo Duchesne

Shirley Allen

St Cyr & Associates

Stella WIlliams

Stephanie SInclair

Steve Kymta & Denco Machine

Strachan: Mike, Michelle & Jack

Sue Sheldon & grandchildren

Susan Harling

Sydney Sinclair

Tanya Schumacher

Taylor Rosko-Fong & Adam Gavin

Terry Rosicki

Tessier Family: Lisa, Rick & Sam

Tina Lafreniere

The Dish

Tom & Elayne Rosko

Tom & Kathy Obradovich

Tony & Tracey Antoniazzi

Tony Forcellini

Tony Lawlor

Town of KL Roads & Waterworks staff

Town of KL Treasury Department Staff

Tracey Barkell

Tracey Daoust

TransCanada Pipelines Ltd

Treena & JP Fontaine

Valerie & Marcel Goyer

Vteck Antuchiwicz

Wayne & Linda Antoniazzi

Wayne & Lydia Petch

We're Back Clermont Towing Slopitch Team

Zust Family


JAMIE TAYLOR & FRIENDS: performed two sold out concerts in the Northern College Auditorium on Friday, November 16 and Saturday, November 17th, 2018. The shows raised $20,000. In addition, raffle tickets for the decorated Christmas tree raised $1225 for the Salvation Army. CJKL FM matched those funds for a $2450 donation to the Salvation Army. More details on the concerts HERE.


Jamie Taylor & Friends Concert Sponsors:

Alamos Gold

Breault's Castle Building Center

Canadian Exploration Services

Chad Plumbing

Dave & Maureen Thompson

Duncan & Marlene Middlemiss

Federal Tavern


Goldland Billiards & Pizza

Great Outdoor Center

Heath & Sherwood

Hoggarth Interiors

Jewel Box

Kim & Robin Connelly

Kirkland Lake Gold

Lakeshore Motors

Lavy's Gym

Leeann Tessier

Lifestyles Home Decor & More

MGI Collision

North Star Plumbing & Heating

Northern College

Northern Lights Computing

Northland Power


Pinewood Park Motors

Pronto Store

Richard & Chamaillard Law

Split Enz

St Cyr & Associates

Teck Insurance Brokers

Tim Horton's

Vienna's Bar & Grill


JT & Friends Special Guests:

Bob May

Corey Taylor

Lori Carter Kasner

Chase Kasner

Carole Crispin

Jessica Schonfeldt-Taylor

Richard Renaud

Amelia Fournel

Bailey Kasner

Dave Rodgers

Daryl Rodgers

Conrad Messier



JT & Friends-Special Thanks:

Dan Belanger

Don Guertin


Jenn Polson

Justin Gray

Katie Barber-Omerod,

Kirk Shorrock

KL Curling Club

Mark Gionet

Richard Callin,

Sandro Cave

Trish Adair.


MITTEN TREE: The Northern Credit Union in Kirkland Lake is accepting donations of new mittens, hats & scarves for the CJKL Christmas Wish program. Donations are being accepted until December 14th.


BEER STORE: in Kirkland Lake is accepting donations of returns for the CJKL Christmas Wish program. Over $3600 in returns had been donated to the Christmas Wish.


Cheques are payable to: CJKL Christmas Wish

P.O. Box 430

Kirkland Lake, Ontario

P2N 3J4


APPLICATIONS: The deadline to submit applications is Friday, November 29, 2019 at 4:30 pm

DOWNLOAD: 2019 CJKL Christmas Wish application form HERE


DONATE: by Credit Card here


CONTACT: Christmas Wish by email here


P.O. Box 430

Kirkland Lake, Ontario

P2N 3J4



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